Hygiene & Sterilization

Nothing is more important than hygiene and sterilization when getting a tattoo or piercing and we use only the very best systems to ensure our studio is 100% sterile around the clock.

Our artists have been trained from day one to implement only the highest grade of hygiene standards when working in the studio. Such procedures include using hygienic wear such as latex gloves, sterilizing and/or sealing all surfaces, chairs and all other points of contact and necessary materials used within the artist’s working area.

The most essential part of maintaining a highly sterile studio is using a piece of equipment called the Autoclave. This is a vital step within the hygiene and sterilization process in ensuring all non-disposable items for tattooing and piercing are cleansed at hospital and dental grade standards.

But don’t worry, we have specially trained apprentices working in the studio ensuring everything is up to scratch!